Industry and Trade Ministry lowered duties for cold-rolled stainless steel from Malaysia Đăng ngày: 15/08/2019 bởi admin Competition Administration Department (MOIT) has issued decisions on handling complaints of Bahru Stainless Steel Sdn.Bhd Company (Malaysia) on the results of the first review of anti-dumping measures for a number of steel products stainless cold rolled imports. Specifically, on 29/4, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 1656 on the results of the first review of the application of anti-dumping measures against certain products include stainless steel cold rolled HS: 7219.32 .00; 7219.33.00; 7219.34.00; 7219.35.00; 7219.90.00; 7220.20.10; 7220.20.90; 7220.90.10; 7220.90.90 ( “the product under investigation”) imported into Vietnam from the People’s Republic of China ( “China), Malaysia (” Malaysia “), the Republic of Indonesia (” Indonesia “). Then, on 23/6, Bahru Stainless Steel Sdn.Bhd company has sent a complaint to the Ministry of Trade of anti-dumping duties to the company calculates Bahru. 23/8 days, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued decisions on handling complaints of Bahru Stainless Steel Sdn.Bhd Company (Malaysia), in which anti-dumping duties applicable to the company Bahru Stainless Steel Sdn.Bhd from 9.55% to adjusted 9.31%. According to Decision No. 3465 / QD-BCT by the Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh signed, the Ministry of Industry and Trade does not accept complaints from company to adjust the cost method of input materials according to product quality . Public acceptance of this complaint for the errors of the investigating bodies to increase the company’s costs unreasonably. The tax rate in this Decision difference compared with Decision 1656 QD-BCT be refunded under the law on anti-dumping of imports into Vietnam and the law on import and export duties.